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604 EAST 14 STREET, Manhattan, 10009
Manhattan, block 396, lot 10
More information about this property at OASIS

Why do we think that development is pending?

Development rigths transfer described in FY21 draft annual plan (see note). Construction will NOT be on the campus, if this goes forward, but next door.

Who decides what happens to this property?

Official Owner

New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) (public)
Contact: David Pristin, Executive Vice President, External Affairs ((212) 306-3401 /

Urban Renewal

A portion of this property is part of the urban renewal plan East 14th Street-Avenue B.

Why is this property part of NYCommons?

The property is part of a public housing development according to city data.

Request Agency Documents

The agency has to share most documents it has about this property under the New York State Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Click to send them a request!

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